This is where I'll keep you posted!
some time in 2017
Plans and progress
This is my second blog post. Not much has changed for you to see on this website. I'm still working behind the scenes, trying to figure out how to manipulate WordPress's themes. I learned a lot, but there's still more I need to understand before I can make it truly my own. For example I can't get it do display quotation marks in a HTML consistend way.
So in the meantime I have learned a lot about HTML and am getting into PHP now. That should be all I need. What HAS changed is that I'm writing a piece about my year in Australia. It has been long overdue for me to do that, since even many of my closest contacts do not yet know too much about what happened there. The page is being updated as I go and can be found in the Stories
-Section within Other
, or just here.
Also, this Website is part of a much larger project that I'm working at. I want to become a Digital Nomad. So I'm also starting a lot of things that I hope will help me achieve this. Like learnig Spanish and Mandarin, starting my first business, doing some social networking, reading everything that might help me and writing on something that might become a book. And I gotta do some stuff for Uni, too...
So I got a long way to go, but things get moving now, and I'm excited about it!